Source code for zope.tales.tales

# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

An implementation of a TAL expression engine
import re
from html import escape

from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import implementer

from zope.tales.interfaces import ITALESIterator

class ITALExpressionEngine(Interface):

class ITALExpressionCompiler(Interface):

class ITALExpressionErrorInfo(Interface):

    # Override with real, if present
    from zope.tal.interfaces import ITALExpressionCompiler  # noqa: F811
    from zope.tal.interfaces import ITALExpressionEngine  # noqa: F811
    from zope.tal.interfaces import ITALExpressionErrorInfo  # noqa: F811
except ImportError:

NAME_RE = r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
_parse_expr = re.compile(r"(%s):" % NAME_RE).match
_valid_name = re.compile('%s$' % NAME_RE).match

[docs] class TALESError(Exception): """Error during TALES evaluation"""
[docs] class Undefined(TALESError): """Exception raised on traversal of an undefined path."""
[docs] class CompilerError(Exception): """TALES Compiler Error"""
[docs] class RegistrationError(Exception): """Expression type or base name registration Error."""
_default = object()
[docs] @implementer(ITALESIterator) class Iterator: """ TALES Iterator. Default implementation of :class:`zope.tales.interfaces.ITALESIterator`. """ def __init__(self, name, seq, context): """Construct an iterator Iterators are defined for a name, a sequence, or an iterator and a context, where a context simply has a setLocal method: >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) A local variable is not set until the iterator is used: >>> int("foo" in context.vars) 0 We can create an iterator on an empty sequence: >>> it = Iterator('foo', (), context) An iterator works as well: >>> it = Iterator('foo', {"apple":1, "pear":1, "orange":1}, context) >>> next(it) True >>> it = Iterator('foo', {}, context) >>> next(it) False >>> it = Iterator('foo', iter((1, 2, 3)), context) >>> next(it) True >>> next(it) True """ self._seq = seq self._iter = i = iter(seq) self._nextIndex = 0 self._name = name self._setLocal = context.setLocal # This is tricky. We want to know if we are on the last item, # but we can't know that without trying to get it. :( self._last = False try: self._next = next(i) except StopIteration: self._done = True else: self._done = False def __next__(self): """Advance the iterator, if possible. >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> context.vars['foo'] 'apple' >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> context.vars['foo'] 'pear' >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> context.vars['foo'] 'orange' >>> bool(next(it)) False >>> it = Iterator('foo', {"apple":1, "pear":1, "orange":1}, context) >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> bool(next(it)) True >>> bool(next(it)) False >>> it = Iterator('foo', (), context) >>> bool(next(it)) False >>> it = Iterator('foo', {}, context) >>> bool(next(it)) False If we can advance, set a local variable to the new value. """ # Note that these are *NOT* Python iterators! if self._done: return False self._item = v = self._next try: self._next = next(self._iter) except StopIteration: self._done = True self._last = True self._nextIndex += 1 self._setLocal(self._name, v) return True def index(self): """Get the iterator index >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> it.index() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: No iteration position >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.index() 0 >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.index() 1 >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.index() 2 """ index = self._nextIndex - 1 if index < 0: raise TypeError("No iteration position") return index def number(self): """Get the iterator position >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.number() 1 >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.number() 2 >>> int(bool(next(it))) 1 >>> it.number() 3 """ return self._nextIndex def even(self): """Test whether the position is even >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.even() True >>> next(it) True >>> it.even() False >>> next(it) True >>> it.even() True """ return not ((self._nextIndex - 1) % 2) def odd(self): """Test whether the position is odd >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.odd() False >>> next(it) True >>> it.odd() True >>> next(it) True >>> it.odd() False """ return bool((self._nextIndex - 1) % 2) def parity(self): """Return 'odd' or 'even' depending on the position's parity >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.parity() 'odd' >>> next(it) True >>> it.parity() 'even' >>> next(it) True >>> it.parity() 'odd' """ if self._nextIndex % 2: return 'odd' return 'even' def letter(self, base=ord('a'), radix=26): """Get the iterator position as a lower-case letter >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> it.letter() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: No iteration position >>> next(it) True >>> it.letter() 'a' >>> next(it) True >>> it.letter() 'b' >>> next(it) True >>> it.letter() 'c' """ index = self._nextIndex - 1 if index < 0: raise TypeError("No iteration position") s = '' while 1: index, off = divmod(index, radix) s = chr(base + off) + s if not index: return s def Letter(self): """Get the iterator position as an upper-case letter >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.Letter() 'A' >>> next(it) True >>> it.Letter() 'B' >>> next(it) True >>> it.Letter() 'C' """ return self.letter(base=ord('A')) def Roman(self, rnvalues=( (1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'), (50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I'))): """Get the iterator position as an upper-case roman numeral >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.Roman() 'I' >>> next(it) True >>> it.Roman() 'II' >>> next(it) True >>> it.Roman() 'III' """ n = self._nextIndex s = '' for v, r in rnvalues: rct, n = divmod(n, v) s = s + r * rct return s def roman(self): """Get the iterator position as a lower-case roman numeral >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.roman() 'i' >>> next(it) True >>> it.roman() 'ii' >>> next(it) True >>> it.roman() 'iii' """ return self.Roman().lower() def start(self): """Test whether the position is the first position >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.start() True >>> next(it) True >>> it.start() False >>> next(it) True >>> it.start() False >>> it = Iterator('foo', {}, context) >>> it.start() False >>> next(it) False >>> it.start() False """ return self._nextIndex == 1 def end(self): """Test whether the position is the last position >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.end() False >>> next(it) True >>> it.end() False >>> next(it) True >>> it.end() True >>> it = Iterator('foo', {}, context) >>> it.end() False >>> next(it) False >>> it.end() False """ return self._last def item(self): """Get the iterator value >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> it.item() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: No iteration position >>> next(it) True >>> it.item() 'apple' >>> next(it) True >>> it.item() 'pear' >>> next(it) True >>> it.item() 'orange' >>> it = Iterator('foo', {1:2}, context) >>> next(it) True >>> it.item() 1 """ if self._nextIndex == 0: raise TypeError("No iteration position") return self._item def length(self): """Get the length of the iterator sequence >>> context = Context(ExpressionEngine(), {}) >>> it = Iterator('foo', ("apple", "pear", "orange"), context) >>> it.length() 3 You can even get the length of a mapping: >>> it = Iterator('foo', {"apple":1, "pear":2, "orange":3}, context) >>> it.length() 3 But you can't get the length of an iterable which doesn't support len(): >>> class MyIter(object): ... def __init__(self, seq): ... self._iter = iter(seq) ... def __iter__(self): ... return self ... def __next__(self): ... return next(self._iter) ... next = __next__ >>> it = Iterator('foo', MyIter({"apple":1, "pear":2}), context) >>> try: ... it.length() ... except TypeError: ... pass ... else: ... print('Expected TypeError') """ return len(self._seq)
@implementer(ITALExpressionErrorInfo) class ErrorInfo: """Information about an exception passed to an on-error handler.""" # XXX: This is a duplicate of zope.tal.taldefs.ErrorInfo value = None def __init__(self, err, position=(None, None)): self.type = err if isinstance(err, Exception): self.type = err.__class__ self.value = err self.lineno = position[0] self.offset = position[1]
[docs] @implementer(ITALExpressionCompiler) class ExpressionEngine: """ Expression compiler, an implementation of :class:`zope.tal.interfaces.ITALExpressionCompiler`. An instance of this class keeps :meth:`a mutable collection of expression type handlers <zope.tales.tales.ExpressionEngine.registerType>`. It can compile expression strings by delegating to these handlers. It can :meth:`provide an expression engine <zope.tales.tales.ExpressionEngine.getContext>`, which is capable of holding state and evaluating compiled expressions. By default, this object does not know how to compile any expression types. See :data:`zope.tales.engine.Engine` and :func:`zope.tales.engine.DefaultEngine` for pre-configured instances supporting the standard expression types. """ def __init__(self): self.types = {} self.base_names = {} self.namespaces = {} self.iteratorFactory = Iterator def registerFunctionNamespace(self, namespacename, namespacecallable): """ Register a function namespace :param str namespace: a string containing the name of the namespace to be registered :param callable namespacecallable: a callable object which takes the following parameter: :context: the object on which the functions provided by this namespace will be called This callable should return an object which can be traversed to get the functions provided by the this namespace. For example:: class stringFuncs(object): def __init__(self,context): self.context = str(context) def upper(self): return self.context.upper() def lower(self): return self.context.lower() engine.registerFunctionNamespace('string', stringFuncs) """ self.namespaces[namespacename] = namespacecallable def getFunctionNamespace(self, namespacename): """ Returns the function namespace """ return self.namespaces[namespacename] def registerType(self, name, handler): """ Register an expression of *name* to be handled with *handler*. :raises RegistrationError: If this is a duplicate registration for *name*, or if *name* is not a valid expression type name. """ if not _valid_name(name): raise RegistrationError( 'Invalid expression type name "%s".' % name) types = self.types if name in types: raise RegistrationError( 'Multiple registrations for Expression type "%s".' % name) types[name] = handler def getTypes(self): return self.types def registerBaseName(self, name, object): if not _valid_name(name): raise RegistrationError('Invalid base name "%s".' % name) base_names = self.base_names if name in base_names: raise RegistrationError( 'Multiple registrations for base name "%s".' % name) base_names[name] = object def getBaseNames(self): return self.base_names def compile(self, expression): m = _parse_expr(expression) if m: type = expr = expression[m.end():] else: type = "standard" expr = expression try: handler = self.types[type] except KeyError: raise CompilerError('Unrecognized expression type "%s".' % type) return handler(type, expr, self) def getContext(self, contexts=None, **kwcontexts): """ Return a new expression engine. The keyword arguments passed in *kwcantexts* become the default variable context for the returned engine. If *contexts* is given, it should be a mapping, and the values it contains will override the keyword arguments. :rtype: Context """ if contexts is not None: if kwcontexts: kwcontexts.update(contexts) else: kwcontexts = contexts return Context(self, kwcontexts) def getCompilerError(self): return CompilerError
[docs] @implementer(ITALExpressionEngine) class Context: """ Expression engine, an implementation of :class:`zope.tal.interfaces.ITALExpressionEngine`. This class is called ``Context`` because an instance of this class holds context information (namespaces) that it uses when evaluating compiled expressions. """ position = (None, None) source_file = None def __init__(self, engine, contexts): """ :param engine: A :class:`ExpressionEngine` (a :class:`zope.tal.interfaces.ITALExpressionCompiler`) :param contexts: A mapping (namespace) of variables that forms the base variable scope. """ self._engine = engine self.contexts = contexts self.setContext('nothing', None) self.setContext('default', _default) self.repeat_vars = rv = {} # Wrap this, as it is visible to restricted code self.setContext('repeat', rv) self.setContext('loop', rv) # alias self.vars = vars = contexts.copy() self._vars_stack = [vars] # Keep track of what needs to be popped as each scope ends. self._scope_stack = [] def setContext(self, name, value): """Hook to allow subclasses to do things like adding security proxies. """ self.contexts[name] = value def beginScope(self): self.vars = vars = self.vars.copy() self._vars_stack.append(vars) self._scope_stack.append([]) def endScope(self): self._vars_stack.pop() self.vars = self._vars_stack[-1] scope = self._scope_stack.pop() # Pop repeat variables, if any i = len(scope) while i: i = i - 1 name, value = scope[i] if value is None: del self.repeat_vars[name] else: self.repeat_vars[name] = value def setLocal(self, name, value): self.vars[name] = value def setGlobal(self, name, value): for vars in self._vars_stack: vars[name] = value def getValue(self, name, default=None): value = default for vars in self._vars_stack: value = vars.get(name, default) if value is not default: break return value def setRepeat(self, name, expr): expr = self.evaluate(expr) if not expr: return self._engine.iteratorFactory(name, (), self) it = self._engine.iteratorFactory(name, expr, self) old_value = self.repeat_vars.get(name) self._scope_stack[-1].append((name, old_value)) self.repeat_vars[name] = it return it def evaluate(self, expression): """ Evaluate the *expression* by calling it, passing in this object, and return the raw results. If *expression* is a string, it is first compiled. """ if isinstance(expression, str): expression = self._engine.compile(expression) __traceback_supplement__ = ( TALESTracebackSupplement, self, expression) return expression(self) evaluateValue = evaluate def evaluateBoolean(self, expr): """ Evaluate the expression and return the boolean value of its result. """ # "not not", while frowned upon by linters might be faster # than bool() because it avoids a builtin lookup. Plus it can't be # reassigned. return not not self.evaluate(expr) def evaluateText(self, expr): text = self.evaluate(expr) if text is self.getDefault() or text is None: return text if isinstance(text, str): # text could already be something text-ish, e.g. a Message object return text return str(text) evaluateStructure = evaluate # TODO: Should return None or a macro definition evaluateMacro = evaluate def createErrorInfo(self, err, position): return ErrorInfo(err, position) def getDefault(self): return _default def setSourceFile(self, source_file): self.source_file = source_file def setPosition(self, position): self.position = position def translate(self, msgid, domain=None, mapping=None, default=None): # custom Context implementations are supposed to customize # this to call whichever translation routine they want to use return str(msgid)
class TALESTracebackSupplement: """Implementation of zope.exceptions.ITracebackSupplement""" def __init__(self, context, expression): self.context = context self.source_url = context.source_file self.line = context.position[0] self.column = context.position[1] self.expression = repr(expression) def getInfo(self, as_html=0): import pprint data = self.context.contexts.copy() if 'modules' in data: del data['modules'] # the list is really long and boring s = pprint.pformat(data) if not as_html: return ' - Names:\n %s' % s.replace('\n', '\n ') return '<b>Names:</b><pre>%s</pre>' % (escape(s))